Scattering of Ashes
A Scattering of Ashes Ceremony is a final family tribute to their loved one. Usually, it means the family taking the ashes for scattering to the deceased’s hometown, or to a place that held significance in their loved one’s life, whether on land or over water from a boat. The ceremony could involve poems, family final tributes, some religious content, or no religion at all, depending on the beliefs of the deceased, and their family.
The ceremony script will be exactly as the family wish. This may involve many emails, until the correct wording is achieved. Family involvement is encouraged, by participation in tributes and poems. The family may also wish to help scatter the ashes.
All this makes for a very individual and unique ceremony. In the event of a family member or friend reading a tribute becoming too emotional, we can read it out on their behalf, at the ceremony.
We will apply for the required Landowner’s permission for the Scattering Site, this is legislation required by local authorities and landowners.
You may wish to video the ceremony, and you have our permission to do this. Please be mindful of the Scottish weather, which can be unpredictable. However, Loch Lomond is a glorious scenic place in the sunshine, but not always so in the winter.
Please be assured that every Scattering of Ashes Ceremony is unique and presented with dignity, respect and sensitivity.